The “Landing Page as a Gift campaign

Monthly contest

Landing Page is a special promotional website, the content and design of which are substantially different from those of the Whole World official website, and which is intended to be used to effectively attract new participants.

All the visitors of your personal Landing Page are automatically recognized as your invitees and get into your partner structure after signing up for Whole World.

Monthly contest

Subscribe in social networks:

All active campaigns

Autumn $1000 prize drawing from Whole World!

Everyone can win up to $500 if...

The “$100 For Everyone” Campaign

Join the Charity Relay and/or Marathon (or extend the validity period) and receive a guaranteed reward of $100

The "$10 Gift to Activate the Business Machine” campaign

When activating an account by, all new participants will get a gift of +$10 that can...

Campaign “Business Machine for FREE”

Get the Business Machine service FREE OF CHARGE for 1 month if you...

The “Leadership Bonus” Contest

Get additionally up to $1000 every month for high personal achievements if...

The "TOP-10 Fundraisers” Contest

Those participants will get an additional reward from the Company if...

The “Unique Link as a Gift” Campaign

Get a Unique Link in the domain zone .RU for absolutely FREE when...

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